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The Downley School

“Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together”

Year 2 - Scottish Islands Project

This term our teachers told us we were going to do a topic all about islands!!!

We talked about what we already knew about islands and what we would like to find out.

From this discussion we created a mind map.

They asked us how we could show other people what we know about islands and these were our ideas: make 3D model; create a brochure; learn a Scottish dance; be tour guides for our island; make a flag; think of a name for our model and work on advertising! 

We got straight to work on our island and put the model in the middle of our classroom. This way we could work on it as we went along.

We worked hard as a team to create it over the term in between our other work.


Our project let us explore different areas of the curriculum such as:       Co-ordinates and scale in Maths, Persuasive writing in Literacy, Animal adaptation in Science, coding in ICT, model making in DT and many different art and design techniques in the making of the 3D model! We also enjoyed a whole term of highland dancing in which we learnt a final routine.

Click here to see a gallery of photos and see below for a 'Prezi' which shows all of our learning! 

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