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The Downley School

“Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together”

Our School

The Downley School is a large primary school offering the very best learning opportunities for our children in a Chilterns village setting of Outstanding Natural Beauty. A warm and friendly atmosphere pervades throughout the whole school as everyone feels extremely fortunate to be a part of this exciting, progressive and caring community.

Our facilities are excellent. We have a modern, well resourced building which includes a large hall, a library, a food tech room as well as fourteen classrooms, all with the most wonderful views over fields and countryside of West Wycombe. We also have an additional building which serves as our diner and sports hall. 

Our outdoor environment takes your breath away. The children love being outside and outdoor learning is part of our curriculum. The children learn outside the classroom at least once a week. As well as our two large playgrounds, we have a huge grassed area, a story telling area, a pond area, a Mongolian yurt, a forest school area and a meadow Mongolian yurt in the new woodland area. 


yr 5

Our school is a happy environment. We have a 'Values-Based' ethos and the children enjoy coming to school. Relationships between staff, children, parents/carers, governors and the wider community are positive. The teachers are highly motivated, skilled professionals who consistently encourage every child to achieve their best in all areas of school life. Our children are confident, polite and enthusiastic young people. They leave us with higher than average academic achievements and, just as importantly, they are keen to continue their learning as respectful and responsible young citizens.

The strap line which everyone contributed says it all...

Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together