Home Learning
In Reception your child will receive two reading books. These will go out on a Tuesday. Reading books will need to be back in school on a Friday so that they can be changed.
E.g routine for reading:
Tuesday - Parent reads
Wednesday - child reads for decoding
Thursday - child reads for fluency
You will also be receiving an ebook on Big Cat Collins, new books will be uploaded on a Monday and they will be available for you to read at any point in the week.
Phonics support
Within Phonics we are focusing on Phase 3 letters and sounds.
During the week we are aiming to introduce a new sound on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, leaving Friday to revisit those new sounds from the week. Within these sessions we also revisit previous sounds and look at blending and segmenting the sounds when reading and writing.
The phase 3 sounds we look at, and the order we teach them in are:
j, v, w, x
y, z, zz, qu
ch, sh, th, ng
ai, ee, oa, oo
ar, or, ur, ow
oo, oi, er
high, ear, air, ure
We also explore a range of our tricky words, within phase 3, the tricky words are:
he, she, we, me, be, was, you, they, all, are, my, her
We will also be recapping Phase 2 sounds, which can be found below
s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b f ff l ll ss
And the tricky words which are:
the, to, no, go, I