Snow Day
While the school is closed due to weather here are some ideas for activities you could do:
Year 1
- Look out of your window; write a setting description describing the snowy scene. Try to remember capital letters, full stops and lots of adjectives!
- Practise your spelling, find things outside and have a go at writing the words using your Phonic knowledge.
- See what 3D shapes you can find outside in the snow.
- Practise writing some addition/subtraction calculations in the snow! Can you solve them in your head or using objects?
- Build two snowmen; put old clothes on one and not on the other. Predict which one you think will melt the fastest and explain why you think that. Then, watch and find out!
- Draw/paint a picture of the snowy scene outside your window.
- Design a snowflake either by sketching or using your computing skills.
Have fun and stay safe in the snow!
Miss Everall and Miss Luzio
Year 2
- Write a description of the wintry scene outside your window - try to make your writing really exciting by using lots of adjectives. Don't forget to punctuate your Super Sentences with capital letters, full stops, commas in lists and contractions.
- Write a recount of your day in the snow!
- Go on Mathletics and complete any outstanding tasks as well as spending 30 minutes on activities of your choice. Try to choose areas of Maths that you find particularly challenging!
- Design your own unique snowflake either by hand or on the computer.
- Make a poster about the value of the month to display in the classroom
Have fun and stay safe in the snow!
Mrs Gippert and Mrs Barlow
Year 3
- Write a poem about the snow using description to create a clear image.
- Create a poster about the value of the month to add to the classroom display.
- Go on Mathletics and complete any outstanding task as well as spending 30 minutes on activities of your choice. Maybe choose an area of Maths that you find tricky.
- Write a description to describe what you can see out of your window. Try to include different sentence starters, similes, adjectives and adverbs.
- Design and make your own snowflake.
- Go out and build a snow man and then write a set of instructions to explain what you did.
- Look at the changes in temperature throughout the day. What do you notice?
- Write a book review about a book you have recently read. We can add it to our book corner.
Have fun and stay safe in the snow!
Mrs Soffe and Miss Gilfillan
Year 4
Build a snowman
- record its dimensions eg height/width. Practise writing this in cm and m formats
- Record its height every hour and try and plot this on a bar chart or line graph
- Make a prediction as to how high it will be after 5 hours
- Extension: you could repeat this activity with 2 or more other snowmen of different heights
- Finish off any homework for the week
- Try completing a times table test on Mathletics
- Select some questions from Mathletics relating to units we have covered
Literacy Cinquain Poems: Have a go at writing a wintery Cinquain Poem:
• It is only 5 lines long and should follow this format
Line 1: 1 word title (noun) e.g. Penguin
Line 2: 2 adjectives e.g. black, white
Line 3: 3 words that express action (-ing) e.g. waddling, swimming, leaping
Line 4: a phrase about the sentence e.g. a tuxedo in the cold water
Line 5: 1 synonym for the title e.g. Emperor
Science - We will be learning about states of matter in 2017
- Can you come up with an interesting investigation about water or ice when kept in different parts of the house: You may want to video yourself or take some pictures so you can talk about it back in school
This Month’s Value
• Think about this month’s value: create a poster, make a junk model sculpture, ice a cake with a values picture or message on
Have fun and stay safe in the snow!
Mrs Fyfe and Miss Eastel
Year 5
- What 2D and 3D shapes can you identify in your snowy surroundings?
- Design a symmetrical pattern for a snowflake
- Create 5 word problems about snow
- Write a poem about the snow
- Write a setting description
- Create a story set in a snowy world
- Create a fact file about why snow falls
- What materials are best to use to keep your snowman from melting? Use insulators from around the house to check
- Which animals can’t you see? Why would this be?
- What plants are still growing/alive in your garden? Why would this be?
- Sketch the snowy scene that you can see
- Use paints/charcoal/colouring pencils/collage to fill it in
Have fun and stay safe in the snow!
Mrs Jonwood, Miss Bone and Miss Stark
Year 6
- Write a description of the wintry scene outside your window - try to make your writing really exciting by using similes, metaphors or personification
- Write a book review of a book you have read recently to update our Reading Corners
- Write a poem about the snow using imagery for effect
- Go on Mathletics and complete any outstanding tasks as well as spending 30 minutes on activities of your choice. Try to choose areas of Maths that you find particularly challenging!
- Try to investigate why snowflakes are all unique
- Do some research into the average temperatures around the world for today - Where is the coldest place you can find? Where is the hottest? What is the difference?
- Design your own unique snowflake either by hand or on the computer
- Make a poster about the value of the month for the Values Display in the classroom
Have fun and stay safe in the snow!
Miss Maund and Mr Byrne
Remember, there are links on the Computing page as well to all the fantastic activities in Purple Mash.
Can you design a winter outfit in Pixlr, create a snowy animation in Scratch, make a winter game in Kodu, design a Winter Palace or even an amazing snow clearing vehicle in Sketchup?
Have fun and stay safe in the snow!
Mr Barclay